
NSZone 是苹果对内存分配和释放的优化方式。NSZone不是一个对象;它是一个难懂的C结构,它被用于纪录关于内存处理(管理)一系列对象的信息。你几乎不需要担忧你自己的应用(applications)是怎样管理你自己的空间(zones)的 ;Cocoa透明地管理它。默认的NSZone在程序启动和所有对象被分配时创建。


如果你大量分配数百个小对象,事实上你会发现你花费精力来为他们分配内存是有意义的。因为这种标准的(默认的)空间会被一直使用,它会变得斑驳起来;释放对象的过程会给整个内存留下令人尴尬的空隙。标准空间的分配器(allocator)也知道知道这一点,所以它尝试着优先去使用被用户释放的内存,去填补这些空隙,但是这种方式只有在空间(zone) 变得很大时才有明显效果。




NSZone is Apple’s way of optimizing object allocation and freeing. NSZone is not an object; it is an opaque C-struct storing information about how memory should be handled for a set of objects.

One rarely needs to worry about handling your own zones in applications; Cocoa handles it transparently. A default NSZone is created>If you are mass-allocating hundreds of cheap objects, you may find the cost of actually allocating space for them becomes significant. Because the standard zone is used all the time, it can become very patchy; deleted objects can leave awkward gaps throughout memory. The allocator for the standard NSZone knows this, and it tries to fill these gaps in preference to grabbing more memory off the system, but this can be costly in time if the zone has grown quite large.

If you want to mass-allocate objects, then, you can create your own zone and tell it not to bother with finding gaps to put new objects in. The allocator can now jump to the end of its allotted memory each time and quickly assign memory to your new objects, saving a lot of effort.

Allocators can save you time elsewhere, too, as asking the OS for more memory, which a zone needs to do whenever it fills up, is another costly operation if it’s done a lot. Much quicker is to ask for huge chunks of memory at a time, and you can tell your NSZone what to do here as well.

Rumor has it that NSZone could save you deallocation time in the Good Old Days, too, with a method that simply chucks away all the allotted memory without bothering to call deallocators. If a set of objects is self-contained, this could save a lot of time, as you can chuck them all away at style=”font-weight:bold”>NSZone method (NSRecycleZone) carefully puts all the objects in a zone neatly style=”font-weight:bold”>NSZone. Not exactly a huge time-saver.

So, in summary, zones save you time in mass allocations.